Trust in Multiplayer Games

Medieteknik Live / Open lecture in Media Technology with Sorin Rizea

While the title seems a bit ambiguous, the lecture will center around a seminal study done by Raph Koster (author of A Theory of Fun) entitled ”The Trust Spectrum”. It talks about how to build trust in online communities and how different types of games require different levels of trust between their players. With that lens, we’ll look at how trust impacts the design decisions you will make in your own game.

Sorin Rizea, Senior Game Designer at Toca Boca, has been in the games industry for over twelve years now and have worked for the likes of Ubisoft, EA and now Toca Boca. He has worked as a game designer on titles such as Need for Speed and FIFA. Sorin has so to say been ”around the block” when it comes to game design, tackling everything from UX to gameplay, multiplayer and economy design. Read more about Sorin at his LinkedIn profile.

3 oktober kl. 13

  • Plats: Svarta lådan, MB313, Södertörns högskola
  • Varmt välkomna! (kontakta för eventuella frågor)
