Medieteknik Live / Open lecture in media technology with Jazgul Ismailova – Sparly for Social Sara
This presentation showcases a target group-based approach to product design. Sparly has started their idea development by conducting a market segmentation and prioritizing a target group – Social Sara. Jazgul Ismailova, co-founder of Sparly, shares how target group approach was a red thread in Sparly’s UX-research, UI-design, branding and marketing.
Jazgul Ismailova is a co-founder of Sparly – a free financial fitness app to empower young adults on their journey to financial freedom. She has 15+ years of experience in consumer insights from LynxEye Brand Consultants, Tele2 and Nordea. Jazgul was a quantitative expert in 50+ consultancy projects working with brands such as H&M, Volkswagen, Martell, Nordea, ICA, and Spotify at a leading brand management consultancy LynxEye 2011-2015. She worked at Tele2 and Nordea 2015-2020, where she designed and run brand-tracking and segmentation projects, reporting strategic branding KPI:s.
December 6 at 13
- Webinar on Zoom: - Everyone is welcome to this MT-Live open lecture (registration is needed before the webinar).
Jazgul Ismailova